Dehydration from alcohol further deepens fine lines and wrinkles on your forehead, chin, and lips.
If you plan on binge drinking this holiday season – remember that it can make you feel more terrible than you think. It can spark a “skin hangover” that can last for up to four weeks. Even once your beating headache, and sickness disappears, your skin will continue to suffer with red, puffy and dark circles around your eyes.
You’re also more likely to see broken blood vessels around your cheeks and nose while your skin begins to droop around your cheeks and jawline. A long night out doesn’t sound so appealing anymore, is it?
Depending on your age, a skin hangover lasts for weeks in your 20’s and 30’s. Anything beyond that can last for four weeks for women in their 40’s.
Using a good moisturizer rich in antioxidants underneath your makeup as prevention.
CACI international experts has researched on how alcohol affects your skin, and evaluated the period in which the toxicity of alcohol left over from a heavy night can last.
Dean Nathanson, CACI chief executive, said: “The effects of Christmas party binge drinking on the skin last much longer than the immediate hangover.
Men have a lucky pass; their skin recovers within a week.
It boils down to the fact that their body processes alcohol more efficiently than women do.
“Consumption of over 14 units of alcohol in one night will take a 40-year-old woman’s skin nearly a month to recover fully from and if she goes out a few times over the festive season it will only get worse.
“The toxic effect of the alcohol and sugar remain in the skin long after the hangover feeling has subsided.”
“We are not saying don’t go out and enjoy yourself but it is important to take preventative measures to protect your skin and we feel the need to raise awareness that repeated alcohol binge drinking can have long-term detrimental effects on the skin.”
CACI therapists also said included that a skin hangover is made worse by smoking and wearing heavy make-up to cover up the damage. (That’s make-up’s job)
Fortunately there are a few steps you can take to help your skin recover from a long night out, Dean said.
Prevention is clearly better than a cure, so if you can, restrict the amount you drink.
But that’s not always easy, especially during the party season, so reach for drinks low in sugar and calories like a vodka, lime and soda.
Always make sure you drink plenty of water before you go out and more to rehydrate once you are home safely.