What’s the Most Effective Way to Remove Peach Fuzz: Dermaplaning

Recently, a breakthrough in the skincare and beauty industries has emerged, and everyone is talking about it. It’s called dermaplaning facials and has many benefits that other facials don’t have.

Dermaplaning is the new treatment that’s hit the market with the primary focus being to remove the peach fuzz on the face.

It involves a licensed esthetician or medical doctor to scrape the top layer of skin off with a scalpel. This is a gentle process that removes dead skin cells and peach fuzz.

By removing peach fuzz, our skin maintains a smooth, natural glow.

Since this is an exfoliating treatment, it promotes new skin cell production which aids in younger-looking skin as well. Other benefits include:

Despite using a surgical scalpel, dermaplaning is non-invasive and painless. It’s a safe and effective treatment for the skin that reduces the appearance of fine lines and acne scars.

Skin feels smoother, and the next time you apply your foundation will be a game-changer.

Results are immediate and long-lasting. It’s okay to wear makeup after, but don’t go overboard. It’s important to allow the skin to breathe for some time after because the barriers are still open.

Using a hyaluronic acid mask, serum, or another rich moisturizer is recommended after the dermaplaning facial to keep the skin hydrated and healthy.

How Dermaplaning Can Improve Your Health

Even though Dermaplaning facials primarily remove peach fuzz from our face, there are other benefits to them. There’s a difference between shaving your face and getting something more out of it. The scalpel used for this facial also allows a deeper penetration to remove dead skin cells, too.

Smooths Skin

The dead skin cells and peach fuzz on our face cause rough patches. These rough patches may become itchy, and then visible when we scratch at them.

Dermaplaning facials allow the removal of peach fuzz and dead skin to reveal fresh, newer skin. Our skin will become softer in both appearance and to the touch.

Minimizes the Appearance of Large Pores

Enlarged pores can contribute to multiple skin issues that people face every day. Some of these issues are cosmetic, such as uneven makeup application and overall appearance. Other skin concerns are breakouts and loose skin.

Peach fuzz also causes these issues, too. When combined it doesn’t turn out good for our overall appearance.

Dermaplaning facials help to minimize these large pores is by removing the layer of skin that’s keeping them from getting the deep cleansing they need.

When pores get clogged, they grow bigger and eventually become acne. By clearing them out of all the gunk, pores can go back to their normal, beautiful size. That’s starts with dermaplaning.

Reduces the Appearance of Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation is the term for darkened spots that appear on the skin.

These spots occur from increased melanin production in certain areas of our skin and not in others. Hyperpigmentation typically occurs because of sun damage and old age.

When we get a dermaplaning facial, we are saying, “out with the old and in with the new.” By removing our dead skin and peach fuzz, we’re telling our skin that it’s time to create more cells.

Over time, our dark spots will decrease until they’re gone.

Allows the Following Skincare to Penetrate Deeper

If you’ve ever noticed that your acne system or other face system doesn’t seem to be working as well as it should, you may need to get a dermaplaning facial.

This is because the build-up of dead skin cells and peach fuzz creates a wall around our face that doesn’t allow our products to sink in as they should.

Gives Skin its Natural Glow Back

Dermaplaning facials promote new cell production by allowing our products to penetrate deeper. That makes cleansing our skin of impurities and dead cells easier. This means that our skin will look and feel brand new because it’s shedding the old layer and welcoming a new, fresher one.

So, if your skin is looking dull, your skincare isn’t working as well anymore, and your makeup just isn’t doing it for you, then maybe you should try dermaplaning facials. See and feel the difference it will make in your life.

Dermaplaning isn’t for everyone

If you’re wondering if dermaplaning is something you should do, consider the status of your skin right now. Some of the benefits of this facial will prevent acne, but if you’re already breaking out then it’s a better idea to postpone for a later date.

It would be more beneficial to communicate these concerns to a dermatologist and make sure you visit someone who has experience working on people who have acne prone skin.

Who is Le Caprice Paris?

Le Caprice stands apart as a spa and skin rejuvenation company with a focus on overall wellness and results. Our promise is to provide our clients with the highest quality of anti-aging skin care and non-surgical facial options that are carefully researched and state-of-the-art.

Your skin needs a more customized approach that combines skin rejuvenation products with the latest technology.

Call us at 1.877.836.2047 or email us at CustomerService@agedeefying.la for more information.

If you live in the Greenwich, Connecticut area, you can save over $50 on a Dermaplaning Facial.

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