Protecting your skin from the sun during the warm season is just as important during the cold. Shielding your body with pom-pom hats, eskimo jacket, mittens and scarves can only do so much. What you should really be doing to shield your skin from the cold is using a skin-care routine that is identical to an eskimo jacket. Here is a simple guide we’ve curated from the help of our Le Caprice Professionals to help you transition your fall to winter skin care routine.
1. Life can feel heavy at times, but your moisturizer doesn’t have to be. Thicker sweaters aren’t always better, that’s the same case for your moisturizer. Your instincts it to reach for the most opulent moisturizer you can find, but stop and ask yourself: Does your skin break out easily? Is your skin oily? Put down that La Mer – it’s asking for blemishes. Rule of thumb, creams are heavier than lotions, which are richer in texture than ointments. According to Dr. P, “It’s not the viscosity of the products that makes the difference; it’s the level of active ingredients.” The most important thing is to find moisturizers that really penetrates and hydrate the skin. And if you’re breakout-prone, dermatologist Dr. Macrene-Alexiades says, “You may not use petrolatum- or oil-based formulas, or you will break out.”
2. The perfect winter moisturizer for you depends on your skin type. If your skin type is normal to oily, we recommend a rich formula that feels velvety so that it won’t leave you feeling patchy during the dry winds. If your skin is dry, opt for a lavish formula. And if you are oily-prone, reach for a moisturizer that has lipids that does not include oil or petrolatum. If you suffer from extremely dry skin, reach for an emollient moisturizer that locks in moisture, and follow with a second layer of cream moisturizer to finish.
3. Face oils don’t moisturize the skin. Again: Face oils do not hydrate your skin. Face oils are considered the apple-cider vinegar of moisturizers, as in readers assume it’s the magic solution to all problems. According to Dr. F, skin can’t readily absorb oily easily, hence why it can make you feel greasy. “The bad news is that face oil doesn’t penetrate the skin. But the good news is that it can give you a glow and add a protective layer from wind and outside forces. But it won’t hydrate the same way a cream or ointment would.” To get the most benefits from face oil is to add a few drops into your moisturizer so you can reap the advantage of both moisturizer and face oil.
4. Invest in a Humidifier. Your luscious locks enemy is a friend to your skin. Nearly all places, not to mention your office, are warmed with dry heat, and thus dehydrates your skin. Investing in a humidifier will let you have control over the water level in your environment.
5. Cut showers and baths short and not too hot. Dermatologist recommend that you keep showering time to a minimum. The best temperature is lukewarm, sort of like your feelings towards staying late at work on Fridays. Water does not hydrate your skin, thus excessively hot water will dehydrate and cause redness to skin.
6. Moisturize as if you’re being timed. Immediately following your facial wash or getting out of the shower, gently pat your skin dry and begin applying moisturizer. You cannot get your moisturizer on quick enough! After washing your face, pores are open and you want to apply the moisturizer right after, but make sure it’s not too damp or else that will dilute the product.
7. Incorporate more fish into your diet. Changes to your diet can keep your skin looking and feeling supple. Firstly, foods that contain omega-3s, which is in the entire fish family: halibut, salmon, sardines and anchovies. Stay away from coffee since it’s diuretics and alcohol due to its dehydrating properties. Sugary, and starchy foods can cause an inflammatory reaction in the body and consequences can lead to dry skin, acne, eczema, and rosacea. Bright side is that you can still eat sushi!
8. Limit exfoliation. If you notice that your skin is dry and flaky, resist the urge to exfoliate more than you usually would. Using harsh exfoliators or peeling agents will continue to weaken and strip your skin barrier when you need that protection the most.